
Session 2 – Exploration Of Interdisciplinary Project Incorporating Art And Science


How to best describe yourself, your values, beliefs, hopes:

Students are asked to choose ten words to describe themselves to people who don’t know them in order to begin the process of creating their Animodule to best represent their values, principles and beliefs.

The words are written on a board (by a student) for the entire class to discuss and agree upon.

The Tewksbury 7thgrade science classes worked with images from the their biology textbook and curriculum, as well as research on line, in order to create a science-based Animodule to support and enrich the school curriculum and expand these ideas and images onto a work of art. The project exemplifies the perfect STEAM program – incorporating Art into STEM to create STEAM.

Hands on: Students are given a template of their Leaping Tiger Animodule for them to design.

Next: Tewksbury Session 3